We had the pleasure of helping with the production of this short fiction film featuring Slimane Dazi.
Directed by Elise McLeod. Dop: Laurent Chalet. Produced by Amélie Quéret and Clarence Tokley.
VS provides a large range of production services including location scouting, shooting authorizations, high end equipment rental as well as a large network of talent and crew.
We had the pleasure of helping with the production of this short fiction film featuring Slimane Dazi.
Directed by Elise McLeod. Dop: Laurent Chalet. Produced by Amélie Quéret and Clarence Tokley.
VS. is proud to have handled the executive production in France of these 2 beautiful films for the advertising campaign of Maison Breguet.
Directed by Peter de Mulder – Production: Claudia Trucco – Director of photography: Laurent Chalet – Executive Production: Xavier Cantal for VS.
We had the pleasure of supporting the production of this documentary film from the very beginning: more than 1 million viewers when it was broadcast by Arte!
Directed by Olivier Julien, produced by HIND SAIH, a co-producion ARTE France, Bellota films with SNRT and 2MTV
Portrait of a visionnary chef who revolutionnized the art of cooking.
Directed by Olivier Julien – Produced by Élodie Polo-Ackerman – Imagissime-Lagardère Studio / ARTE – Director of photography: Laurent Chalet – Technical services: VS. Productions
Sur les traces de l’écrivain aventurier Joseph Kessel, des images dans les plaines de l’Oural, au théâtre d’Orembourg, ou dans les forêts russes avec les moyens techniques de VS.
Réalisation: Marie Brunet-Debaines – Production: Camera Lucida – Diffusion: ARTE le 29 septembre à 22h50 – Durée: 53 min
Through a visit to three of the largest observatories in the world and the interviews of major international specialists, this documentary presents the main lines of research in current astronomy.
Directed by Laurent Gracia – Produced by BoTravail! – Technical services: VS.
Liens :
VS. provided the technical services for the shooting of the documentary series “Sacred Monuments” that traces the history of the most beautiful holy places of the major religions.
Directed by Bruno Victor-Pujebet – Produced by Zed – Technical services: VS.
Liens :
Five pigs, five destinies, five realms. Five compelling stories that reveal little-known secrets about pigs.
Directed by: Emma Baus – Produced by Nord-Ouest Documentaires
In conjunction with the 100th anniversary of America’s entry into the war on April 6, 1917, The Great War, a six-hour documentary presented over three nights, explores how World War I changed America and the world.
Directed by STEPHEN IVES / Produced by Insignia Films
In conjunction with the 100th anniversary of America’s entry into the war on April 6, 1917, The Great War, a six-hour documentary presented over three nights, explores how World War I changed America and the world.
Directed by Stephen Ives
Prod: Insignia Films
Broadcastor: PBS
Marie Brunet-Debaines s’intéresse à l’aventure personnelle et spirituelle de l’aventurier écrivain. Elle dresse le portrait d’un idéaliste, de l’un des derniers romantiques.
Directed by Marie Brunet-Debaines / Produced by Caméra Lucida, Lobster Films, Arte France
Marie Brunet-Debaines s’intéresse à l’aventure personnelle et spirituelle de l’aventurier écrivain. Elle dresse le portrait d’un idéaliste, de l’un des derniers romantiques.
Directed by Marie Brunet-Debaines
Prod: Caméra Lucida, Arte France, Lobster Films
Broadcastor: ARTE